People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

She has no shoulders. Thatā€™s what struck meā€¦

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Jimmy Fallon seems a particularly smug little bollocks.


Sheā€™s the new Kathryn Thomas. Gets every show going. Watched the new quiz show for two questions

Q. How many boroughs are there in New York City
A. 16.

Q. When Nelson Mandela was released from prison in 1990 how many years had he been in prison.
A. 50.

These were the answers given by contestants btw.


I got the boroughs one right. One of the lads tried to persuade me it was fourteen because he saw it in some play station game.

I said 28 for Mandela. It was 27. I had worked back from the 1983 song Free Nelson Mandela. 21 years in captivity

So did I! I think I guessed 29.

There mustnā€™t be much on Squarehead TV on Saturday nights if youā€™re forced to watch some RTE quiz show on IPTV



I was watching that thing about Jeremy Thorpe starring Hugh Grant on HBO the end of the Classico then put Rte one on the +1 to watch the news and give myself a bit of a laugh and I caught the last ten minutes of it.

Iā€™d have got the points so.

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Yes I was flicking between shows too. Good show on RTƉ 2 Countdown to Surrender about the last days of WW2 with great footage had just finished up.

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The solicitor said Adrian Long was doing well in in prison.

Our fuckin judiciary give me a major pain in the hole

Not at all harsh. I donā€™t follow her on twitter but for some reason her tweets end up on my feed, I donā€™t know why. Sheā€™s obviously decided on a coping strategy to publicly air every time sheā€™s feeling down about it.

Probably followed by a lot of gah accounts

She is actually. Padraic Joyce and Dazzler Frehill might have led me to her.

Part of the Wexford backroom in '96

TIL. That was her that Liam Griffin talked about in the dennis Walsh book so iirc. About lads going in in private and talking about a lot more than hurling.

In Griffins recent interview on Newstalk he praised her to the hilt, doesnā€™t think theyā€™d have gotten over the line without her.

I donā€™t understand social media, I was never on anything except twitter which I only read to be honest, people seem to get something from sharing their most intimate thoughts, youā€™d regularly see people tweeting hours after losing a spouse or other close relative, this one is a smart lady, I wouldnā€™t criticise

I never questioned her intelligence but this wasnā€™t a once off these grief laden tweets have been going on for years. Maybe itā€™s just her way of coping. Maybe it is harsh to call it.

I donā€™t understand lads who out up stuff on Facebook hours after a relative has died but Iā€™m not part of a younger generation where social media is the most acceptable form of communication. Immediately after that happening it must be nice to get some support, especially with no wakes or funerals really. Each to their own.


The worst is these ones who tag themselves at hospital.

Cue all the ā€˜hope everything is ok, hunā€ comments and the response of ā€œIā€™ll text you, x.ā€