People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

Who tag themselves at hospitals and don’t even say why they’re there! Omg wats up XXX

No the worse ones are these ones that put up some cryptic shite like “pray for me”.Cue a load of cunts asking what wrong hun?You OK?Hope everything’s ok xx

All men are sneks hun xx


There was a mother who lost a teenage son to suicide recently who kept posting in this manner on Twitter in the immediate aftermath. I don’t claim to understand what that person is going through at all, I’m sure it’s horrific, I couldn’t imagine the pain of losing a child which makes the constant posting on Twitter even more peculiar but it may be that persons coping/grieving mechanism.

I’ve said it before, you’ve some horn for Kathryn Thomas.

Did you say that before?

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Something to that effect anyway, yes.

He was released anyway in February 1990, the same day that Buster Douglas beat Mike Tyson. I thought it was 1962 he went in?

He was lifted in 1962 late in year in Durban after the CIA tipped off the saffers he was going to be there. Even though 90-62 is 28 , 27 years is the right answer as he never got to 28 years. The song was also correct in 1983 though however.

Larry, you are the greatest

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good lord

Blue Cassidy

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Blue has done well for himself,
like myself actually

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I was going to ask where Blue might be from…

Would it be Cork?

Jaysus. I would have half known Blue in an earlier life. What’s he gone and done?

I’m assuming tis the same Blue Cassidy

Google it

Thrilled for ye both


In circumstances where the air accident report is still unfinished, she likely hasn’t had closure and has to wait and see if they try and blame her sister

It doesn’t come across like a calculated legal position, whatever else it is