People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

That fucking gimp Prof. TomĆ”s Ryan. Heā€™d only be happy if we got to 20k cases a day so heā€™d appear to be right. Imagine living with that plank in your house. Iā€™d love to bate the belly of him with a spade.


Heā€™s probably never heard of Emlyn Mulligan.

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Iā€™m having a few Jemmys in honour of an elderly and well loved neighbour we buried today - having celebrated his life with friends and family earlier. The deceased was a sociable sort and in the 50 years we shared scooping either in pub or house Iā€™d never seen him with any form of drink other than a glass of whiskey. One of the finest, he swam through 93 but like many great stayers the hill to 94 proved too much for him. An absolute gent. Iā€™m not sullying the occasion by stooping to discuss the subject of your post. NĆ­ Beidh a leithĆ©ad an arĆ­s.


RIP that man. A good innings.

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Another neighbour commented to me she envisaged her late father waiting for our man at the gates of Heaven with a large Jameson ready for him.
I sniggered to myself and quickly thought heā€™ll be gasping if heā€™s waiting for your oulā€™ lad to buy a large Jemmy for anyone but kept my counsel. Different folks etc.,


A quick look on there showed up a man who would be a neighbour of yours around the lake. I presume this is who you are referring to.

I happened to see him in Arus Carolan a while back when I was in visiting my auntie. I note that he died in Lough Errill.

My brothers used to refer to him as Roy Evans (as in the ex Liverpool manager) from noticing him around the town back in the day. They thought he bore a resemblance but Iā€™m not so sure.

Anyway - RIP.

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Thatā€™d be the man himself, heā€™d be fonder of Mickey Carolans than the Ɓrus one though. He had a resemblance of Evans with the thinnish jawline but if I might comment - he was the finest corpse Iā€™ve ever seen. He didnā€™t look 70 laid out - it was a smashing finale to see him look so well in death for the children and grandchildren. All well in Eslinbridge territory ? I see yeā€™re championship winning Juniors from 50 years ago being laudedā€¦.did I see Tommy McCaffrey among your lot?

Same as for any small club - we have a bunch of lads now in the late 20s and well into the 30s. Once they are gone itā€™s hard to see us being able to survive,

McCaffrey was accepted into that group alright - first and last time of his life for that to happen.

Is it not free above?

Now now donā€™t start getting pedantic. This man rivalled McGahern in the frugality stakes.
Wouldnā€™t turn a sweet in his mouth.

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also notice the avalanche of texts attacking the reopening of society on all the radio news shows today

Assistant Professor

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The Brendas & Nualas are fighting back


Orla is an architect who is an expert on Covid.


there is a definitive type objecting to reality, they think they can fake it from the coffee shop eating cakes and that the money will continue to roll in. they are ill and its not COVID they have.

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Did someone ask her about her where she got her MD?

Dermot from Dermot and Dave on Today FM.

Weā€™ve got Today FM on here at work. I canā€™t ask to switch it off or Iā€™ll sound like an asshole. Dermot has spent the last 10 minutes talking about meditation. Brezzie is the mindfulness guy so Dermot is going to be the meditation guy. Heā€™s not just zany, heā€™s got a meditative side too. Heā€™s just moved on to the ā€œbutterfly meditationā€. Imagine a butterfly on your hands lads. What colour is it? Kids especially love this technique. Weā€™ve gone from having the Catholic Church leading the nationā€™s spiritual life to having Dermot Whelan lead the nationā€™s spiritual life. Come back Archbishop Charles MacQuaid, all is forgiven.

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Do you work in a cash and carry?