People who wear blue/pink shirts with white collars

Tricky punters or not tricky punters.

Tricky punters.


Generally Bankers and Travellers

Arseholes, especially dickheads who double it up with a tie clip.

You wouldn’t wear one then Totti, no? It’s not an Italian thing then?

i never thought i’d say this about one of your posts but bang on the money

also i’ve noted birds wearing these types of shirts, equally if not more cuntish

Definitely not. I try to integrate with the common man while being nouveau-stylish. I’d associate this type of shirt to rugby-playing, coke-headed closet homosexuals. Not a look I want to bear.

Chancer, Johnny come lately type goons.


Fairly sure i’ve seen 2RE wear one of these style shirts before…


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Never owned one. Though about it but sense prevailed.

Wearing a shirt like this requires silver hair and a look of absolute disdain for the common man. Frankly, you’ve got to earn the right to wear the look by making serious coin in the banking industry over a long time. This is of course likely to mean they are cunts, but that’s not necessarily a problem for them. Nothing worse than seeing a young fella try to pull the look off.

I sport a blue shirt with a white collar and cuffs on a regular basis accompanied by my favourite yellow tie.

Earn your right to look like a cunt


Earn your spurs so to speak.

Can all these ridiculous threads be put into one ridiculous fashion thread please, Dunph?

We should merge it with that great thread I started on hair conditioner, the gold standard for this type of topic.


That’s it in a nutshell. I’m fairly sure that these guys know they look like cunts. Part of the appeal of the look is that it conveys the disdain they have for the opinion of the common man.