Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

As I said last Friday, Jerry Buttimer’s head wasn’t going to cut it with the Fianna Fáil rank and file after they had lost two Agriculture ministers. The books had to be balanced.

I’m sure he won’t go hungry. I don’t remember this level of outrage for the homeless man whose Phils party colleagues tried to steamroll alive in his tent one night. Fat Phil wears a suit though.
Some men

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Could be right.
I’ve never seen the top dogs of FF and FG collectively call for the head of one of their own before.It just doesn’t happen.

He must be deeply unpopular.

Who should take main credit for Big Phils scalp? The facebook/twitter curtain twitchers? Champ? The assorted losers like @Lazarus , chip on their shoulders types like @binkybarnes or even Matt Cooper?


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Dry your eyes pal

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What does big Phil play off would you think? Would he drive it further than @EstebanSexface I wonder?

Taken down by Matt Cooper, how embarrassing

I’d say he’s sharking off a high enough handicap like another kilkenny cunt I know


You surely were

I’d say Seamus Woulfe isn’t in the best of form after this

tenor (49)


The look on your face after the 3rd shots into the first…

Miss Justice Susan Jane Denham is a great admirer of Frau Ursula I hear

It was like one of those, that’s when he knew he fucked up meme’s

Simon Coveney the favourite to replace Phil according to the examiner.

What did Coveney do to Leo?

Champ and Dr Leo both wanted him gone for their own various reasons. Sleepy Eamonn was always going to along with what the two lads wanted. They had a free run at it with all the Matt Cooper types and the curtain twitchers onside.

One factor I haven’t really seen commented on is Frau Ursula. Big Phil could well have blotted his copybook and become a marked man there after his dalliance with the WTO gig.

Don’t worry lads, he can play all the golf he likes now

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Coveney as long standing Foreign Affairs minister involved in Brexit negotiations won’t be let near Trade. Issue then, if it is Coveney, is how much of a downgrade it will be for Paddy with its Commissionership.

A real sorry affair and a low point in Paddy’s disastrous, panic filled, mass hysteria ridden attempt to manage Codvid - 19.