Pick your Irish Euro 2012 Squad

We’ve had speculation and media thoughts and second guessing Trap on the main Ireland - Euro 2012 thread but this isn’t about who you think will go or who might go, this is who would you pick.

Name your 23:


St Ledger



So I’d be leaving Hunt, Green and Coleman behind. If I was to take one more it would be Hunt but I’m not sure at whose expense. I’d drop Doyle possibly in that context because five strikers is a bit heavy. But Walters could do an emergency job on the wing so happy there’s enough cover there. I think Hunt has been a good option off the bench in qualifying but McClean would have a similar impact and seems to be as accurate on set pieces etc. Marginal call though.

I don’t think the McCarthy decision should be as tight but that’s not to say he has any more of a chance of travelling than McClean. I just think we’re risking too much in only having Gibson and Fahey as back-up and I’m not sure Fahey is quite good enough to play in the centre anyway. I see him more as a narrow wide player with McCarthy being the other central midfield bench alternative (with Gibson).

It’s also a bit light on defenders, particularly with them more likely to pick up suspensions, but there aren’t really any obvious candidates to come in. Clark and Wilson missed their chances.

I think the last spot is between McCarthy and McClean at this point barring something unforseen happening in the next few weeks. Keeper, the 7 defenders and 5 strikers are all but set in stone

Given, Westwood, Forde

Dunne, Ste Ledger, O’Shea, Ward, O’Dea, Kelly, Foley

Whelan, Andrews, Gibson, Fahey, Duff, Hunt, McGeady, McClean/McCarthy

Keane, Doyle, Long, Walters & Cox

I haven’t decided which one of McClean or McCarthy that I would bring but would be leaning towards McClean. I would have no problem if one of Doyle, Long or Hunt were left at home to accomodate both McCarthy and McClean travelling like Rocko has suggested but don’t see it happening

Only changes to that for me would be Stokes for Doyle, Coleman for Foley and Cunningham for Long.


Goalkeepers (3): Given, Westwood, Forde.

Defenders (7): O’Shea, Dunne, St Ledger, Ward, Kelly, O’Dea, Foley.

Midfielders (9): Duff, Whelan, Andrews, McGeady, Gibson, McCarthy, McClean, Hunt, Coleman.

Strikers (4): Keane, Walters, Long, Cox.

Apologies to Keith Fahey and Kevin Doyle.


Goalkeepers (2): Given, Mannus.

Defenders (7): O’Shea, Dunne, St Ledger, Ward, Kelly, O’Dea, Stevens.
Midfielders (11): Duff, Whelan, Andrews, McGeady, Gibson, McCarthy, McClean, Hunt, Coleman,Rice,Mccourt

Strikers (3): Keane, Walters, Stokes
Apologies to Keith Fahey and Kevin Doyle.

You have to bring three keepers, mate. The over exposure to sun seems to have had a knock on effect on the quality of your posting recently

He’s picked a player with a foreign nation, and thats the issue you have with it? :smiley:

thats nuts-0 i think Ill stick to the rugby league from now

Do we have 3 goalkeepers playing football?

Walters and St. Ledger are entitled to play for Ireland mate.

i also inadvertently apologised to keviun doyle :mad:

+1 to all of that.

No mention of Andy Reid?

Goalies: Given, Westwood, Forde
Back men: Dunner, Ledge, Sheazy, Wardy, Oops O’Deazy, Kells, Fols
Midfield men: Whalen, Andrews, Gibbo, Fahy, Duffer, McGeady, McClean, McCarthy, Walters
Forwards: Keano, Longy, Doyler, Coxy

Team from that squad:

Kells, Dunner, Ledge, Sheazy
Duffer, McCarthy, Andrews, McClean,
Walters (link between Robbie and midfield)

All things being equal, subs used:

Locke has touched on it there but what team would you start against Croatia:

I would go for:

O’Shea, Dunne, St Ledger, Ward
McGeady, Whelan, Andrews, Duff
Walters, Keane

Throwing in McCarthy or McClean is too much of an unknown for me at this point. Best to stick to the tried and trusted at least initially.

Does anyone know what the story is with the squad announcement on Monday.

Is it a case that he will name the 23 man squad or will he name a 26 man provisional squad which will be trimmed at a later date - or will it be a case of the 23 being named and a handful of back-up/alternates also being included for the warm up games and training camp

If anyone should be the link between midfield and attack it should be Robbie, he’s very intelligent in his positioning and brings a calmness on the ball, Walters should be just put up top to charge around into defenders and unsettle them as that is generally what his game is about. Long should return to playing hurling and Doyle should go think about a career in picking strawberries.