Piseogs, Fairies and the Other World

Did they give The Dude a beeper?

That’s a pager to the king of the faeries.

Sat navs are the new divining rods

Did he just pop up there in front of you?

It’s the Autumnal Equinox today. Here’s a nice little video about Sliabh na Caillí at Loch Craobh, which aligns with the rising sun on the Equinoxes.

Also sad to learn that some prick(s) have been defacing the national monuments up there.


If they’re coming a’tall, tonight is the night they’ll come for @Fagan_ODowd.

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Those carvings are unreal.

A man I’d love to meet. His podcast is fantastic.

Who is he, and what’s so good about his podcast?

Ah come on now. You’re letting yourself down badly here. That’s Edmund Lenihan.


Eddie Lenihan from Kerry but living in Clare. He talks about stories from old people about piseogs and faeries. And of course speaks about how people lived in rural Ireland over the last 200 years or that. 100% well worth a listen. His podcast is called “Tell me a story by Eddie Lenihan”.


I saw a ghost Sunday night coming home from the pub


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The pub must have been serving spirits so?



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I’d say the lads were horsing into the magic mushrooms back in the day


Ya I think the hallucinogenic properties of home made alcholo probably had a lot to do with things. Off your head, coupled with travelling on foot around the countryside in the dark was always likely to lead to some interesting encounters.

It would be easier for a fella to say the Fairies took him than i got balubas on poteen and fell asleep in a ditch on the way home.


Be some craic all the same if you actually thought you were refereeing a game of hurling between fairies

Isn’t that what Colm Lyons does on the club scene?


When reffing club hurling in Dublin anyway