
I was thinking of watching it myself. The only link I could find wasn’t free. Couldn’t see it on Netflix or iptv

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Ill hold tight someone might pick it up after being on JRE

This is incredible. Only a few episodes into the Iraq one. The US make Putin look like a harmless lad.


He wouldn’t be. You will find the common link is ACAST

Sheer madness. The yanks are clane mental- how lads can lap up their current propaganda is beyond me.
That said the Europeans aren’t far behind. The germans selling Iraqis chemical weapons to attack Iran, while simultaneously selling the iranians protective gear…to protect them from chemical weapon attacks by Iraqis.


Barry Glendenning one good


Germany as a nation or an individual company are doing that?

While unpalatable, you have to credit the enterprise to some degree. Surely better than just selling the arms to one side and leaving the other bear their wrath?

That’s just good bidness lad.

A very touching bit near the end from Barry when talking about his dad making Slo Gin.

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Barry is a gem. Thanks for the heads up.


Barry is a good sort


Barry’s a boring bastard

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David Moyes done a reasonably good one with that Steven Bartlett chap.

Its on YouTube.

The midlands klaxon sounded

Fuck Offaly

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Jesse Lingard is on it today.

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Haven’t listened to it yet but Forest Galante is always a great listen on Rogan. Auld JRE has started a bit of a comeback with some very decent guests in recent times after a brutal bag of foul excrement since he signed the Spotify deal.


Are people still listening to Rogan?

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I still follow him on Spotify and have found myself downloading a couple of episodes recently. He’s one of two guys who gets David Goggins to speak so that’s one reason to still keep up to date somewhat.

unreal guests recently