
I’m nasty to far right cunts like you alright. The likes of you are the danger to women, and everybody else.

I think ewan and everyone else can see the contradiction in you claiming to care about refugees whilst supporting the US killing millions in the middle east…in the name of “keeping us safe”

It’s more stupid you’re getting.

So those punching women in the face and robbing their handbags aren’t a danger to women in comparison? :joy:

According to this fella the people best placed to prevent the punching of women in the face and robbing handbags are the very far right mobs who see these things as a birthright.

Some job.

So advocating the protection of women means you’re far right these days? :man_facepalming:

I eagerly anticipate your next post championing women’s rights that doesn’t involve an assault allegedly involving immigrants; I wouldn’t like to accuse you of piggybacking on the cause of women in order to score internet points.

Happy International Women’s day, by the way.


Incredibly mature stance. The lads here will be impressed

Except for the usual suspects…they’ll be driven demented

His thinking is very similar when it comes to Eamon Ryan

Is Eamon rich?

He’s become fabulously wealthy from his despotic ways

That’s very transphobic of you

Enjoyed this one.


The end of this weeks Guardian Football Weekly was a good laugh, between Max Rushdens reminiscing about Soccer AM behind the scenes, Glendennings lancing of both Kane and Rice and then the surprise cameo by Chris O Dowd and ‘mates’.

Extremely late to the party but I’ve been flaking through the Peter Crouch podcast. Mighty stuff, grand easy listening while pottering around doing jobs. I’m still a few years in arrears but I’ll be caught up very soon at this rate.

Gets a bit samey after a while.

Agree with @corner_back sentiments. The Roy Keane museum episode was the high point.

They all do