
Johnny Murtagh’s young lad.

Fly half for Clongowes Wood in this years Leinster Senior Cup by all accounts and on the Irish Schools team.

That was a very interesting listen
Hutton report/inquiry seemed like a complete cover up

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Half way through this he’s a gas man. Serious commitment to NY GAA

He’s a gem of the GAA. Johnny is pretty good too.

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In fairness to him, he fucking buried the fucking thing

Ah hes class.

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How many of Joe’s yarns are made up?

What Heaney poem did he quote ?

There’s an element of truth in virtually all of them, sometimes this element is spiritual, allegorical or metaphorical, at other times it’s true in the way that great fiction is always absolutely fundamentally true.

Fair play to Woolie for offering to foot the food bill for New York after one of their trainings, a mighty sound gesture.

I’m tuning out of Brollys one after three episodes. A supreme narcissistic effort.

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Woolie is one of the good guys.

He seems to be rubbing off on his new wife. She’s been unbearable on the THL podcast since she tied the knot


The last 3 THL podcasts, Tommy was calling Joe Biden “Mr. Burns”, “a Warmonger” and several other things.

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She’s very worried that this is it I’d say. Strong bang of neediness of it.

€2.99 one episode a week with an occasional bonus one has to be the sweet spot for them you’d think.

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She’s been unbearable since the first podcast.


True but it’s gone up a level.

I think someone here recommended “the rest is history” started listening to it, very enjoyable

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Joe Rogan’s nephew Lex Friedman had a CIA undercover dude on the other day. He reckoned the war was a done deal in favour of Russia, ceasefire agreed by the autumn and that there is no good outcome for Ukraine with what they will be burdened with by indebtedness to the West, especially America.

Basically he thought that it all came down to hard power and resources; that Ukraine was of little use to the likes of America really bar chest beating about democracy, that Germany will need Russian gas this winter et cetera. Russia need Ukraine in their sphere of influence, their natural resources (mentioned oil fields), Nato buffer, and as a breadbasket so Putin will persist forever.

Reckoned a deal done by Autumn with Zelensky going into exile, puppet governments in south and east. Ukraine remaining sovereign on paper but not in reality. He said European leaders especially want this done as the war is costing them money.

Friedman said he has been on the ground in Kherson and Odessa, and that these people will die for their land. Reckoned America should see the value in supporting Ukraine to a greater extent due to capturing hearts and minds with elections looming, Russians must be growing weary on same front, sons dying, economic hardship.

CIA dude makes good point unfortunately, hearts and minds, how people feel don’t make a difference in autocratic states, only food, power, shelter, what people physically need. Therefore Russia want the control and resources, Putin will go on with this until he dies. Said Odessa will be particularly ugly as they won’t shell due to its cultural significance.

Both agreed that Ukrainian civilian effort has been incredibly noble and heroic. That Western leaders don’t care, where were they in Hong Kong last year and Afghanistan when the Taliban came back? Said that this was just a cock fight with all the leaders of the world looking on to see what Putin has, and that Ukraine will pay the west for every weapon used and there will be no boots on the ground from America which is what CIA dude felt was only way they could win.

Made an interesting point about the information war. Thought the Russians are usually doing better in the war than it is made out in the English speaking media with the idea of making powerful, affluent Russians feel they are under threat.

A thoroughly depressing listen…


I tried listening to the first 3 episodes and found them awfully dull. Hadn’t really expected that.