
We’re not worthy, fantastic mate, that’s great work ye’re doing there

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I’m enjoying this the odd time, nice harmless auld guff but entertaining.

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You’re some Kerry bhoy.

The great work is done by my Cambodian colleagues like TFK FoTF Ratana. Thanks for listening BIATF


Well because I ‘know’ you from here I found it interesting, obviously being involved in education myself and working with many underprivileged I paid attention to what you said, it’s only half an hour lads,
The Dublin accent is thicker than I anticipated, but you were obviously well rested by the West Cork woman,

One thing I was shocked by was the disparity in education between the Mekong states, surely a bye product of the Khmer Rouge attack on education and the time it takes to rebuild teacher education?

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Absolutely and the power imbalance between Cambodia and its biggest nearest neighbour. Until the education is improved that will always be the case. We have one of the worst performing education systems in the world but there is cause for optimism. Very glad you liked it BIATS and thanks for the questions.


Just listened to episode 2 there. Gary O Toole is a proper hero. As a 24 year old student he showed remarkable courage and selflessness to take Gibney on like he did. A couple of Gibneys victims were interviewed too. Ber Carley and Patricia McCahill. Remarkably courageous women. The story of the shattering of an innocent teenage friendship between O toole and McCahill is paticularly poignant.

This is an extraordinary story and it’s being very well told so far.


100% agree. Phenomenal


This in particular is heartbreaking


They were just collateral damage in Gibneys fucked up world.

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Her story is horrific.I won’t say anymore but I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

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I’m around 3/4 way through it, horrendous. The cunt Gibney needs to be strung up

I’m enjoying it as I know nothing about this absolute cunt bag Gibney or how it ends.Its tough listening though.What some poor kids had to put up with is unbelievable.


My mother’s first cousin was a victim of Gibney, from a great family in North Dublin, was a great swimmer as a young lad
He’s had a tough life despite doing well enough in his career, never married and has flirted from being a functional to non functional alcoholic most of his life, my grand aunt , still alive in her mid 80s and the most gentle woman I’ve ever met would gladly string Gibney up by the balls for you,

It’s a good listen but I fear it’s gonna get quite difficult to hear, I’ve only listened to part 1

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I’ve listened to 2 episodes. While it’s a harrowing story, I haven’t found it too hard a listen. The courage and dignity of the 2 x female victims and Chalkie White is actually inspiring. As is the fundamental decency and empathy displayed by the young Gary O Toole.

I swam against Trojan Swimming Club in the early to mid 80s and remember Gibney as their coach. Trojan had all the best swimmers and Gibney was a revered figure. A swarthy little bollox with dark glasses. He actually looked like a paedophile but sadly very few people even knew what a paedophile was at that time.


Gary O’Toole always comes across as a very decent genuine person

Must have been very tough for Chalkie White and the two women to retell their stories.

Gibney will hopefully get what’s coming to him, god knows how many lives he brought misery to.


Listened this morning, Gary was a very impressive young man


Any good 'uns you’d recommend?

I prefer ones that reflect on life or have some learning in them rather than morbid murders or sex offender type shit.

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Adam Buxton interviews are good

Revisionist History

Athletico Mince

Tommy T and Hector O H have a new one starting this week

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