
are they out of the yoofa cup now?

shocking keeping by james


Dont go slagging the Uefa Cup. It was brilliant back in 2003.

:smiley: :wink:

Who is Pompey?

Stop with the stupid questions.

Fuck off Flano?

James is always capable of a monumental fuck up. Should be fun to watch in the next WC where he is bound to make another high profile error. Cost Villa a FA Cup in the past.

Pompey are defensively gone to pieces this season. Sol Campbell is starting to look his age. I’d say there could be a good few of their players looking for a way out in Jan. They have made a horrendous managerial appointment aswell.

West Brom will have to pick up 3 points at the weekend.

They have a very high wage bill for a team thats ground holds 20,000. They will be lucky to hold on to the likes of Defoe, Kranjar and Diarra.

Horrible stuff by James, I think a draw would have sent them out anyway though.

Charlie Nicholas calls this crowd ‘Pompeii’ when’s he on Sky Sports. Just thought I’d mention that.