Portugal v ROI- WCQ 2022

Embarrassing from O’Shea there. No penalty surely?

If that was a Gaelic Footballer that got the bitch slap from Ronaldo he would have hit the deck quicker.

Never a peno

I don’t think that’s a pen to be honest.

Hendrick’s yellow is retracted if not given?

Who’s this bum refereeing?

Correct decisions here are: penalty and red card for Ronaldo.

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Is it clear and obvious to over turn though…

I don’t know is there enough in that to change the original decision



Top class defending is a crime now?

Not a pen but Jesus if they stay fluting around with the ball we will be eat

Fernandes got there first

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We could get to halftime with this VAR check

Ronaldo’s punch :joy:

Good lad Gav

Fucking cunt probably ran from the Serbs in 1991

Looks like they both got to the ball almost simultaneously. Ref can make a mistake but to look at 20 replays and still award it is a bit mental.


Always trust a black goalkeeper.


By God.