Post a picture of your mud hut. And your trainers

It was gonna be you or blueā€¦

Some people like collecting records. Some people like collecting trainers. Itā€™s nicer to have something tangible than blasting away all your dough away on drugs, booze and hookers. Thatā€™s for lads in their twenties.

Wouldnā€™t be a collector of trainers myself. Usually buy 1-2 pairs a year to replace a pair thatā€™s gone to shit. Have a smart casual pair of boots for occasions etc (two years outta them so far), dress shoes (bought for wedding two years ago), the Tigers I posted up and a beat up pair of DC trainers that replaced a pair of beat up New Balance. Generally wear them til theyā€™re no longer functioning. Other than that, Iā€™ve two pairs of running shoes (road and trail), some other sports related footwear, and a right old pair of asics for cutting the lawn/walking the hound


Spend your money on experiences (albeit a hooker experience may not be your thing) rather than collecting unnecessary possessions.


Thatā€™s about the crux of it - @backinatracksuit has no life is what you are trying to say in a very gentle way.


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Fuckit pal, I always liked you an all, i hope youā€™ll be able to look past this. :flushed: Iā€™ve 4 kids so donā€™t have much of a social life at the moment, Iā€™m a bit sick of explaining myself, I could just ignore these threads but itā€™s not who I am, I have always been interested in trainers, I was the first person I knew to wear a pair of brightly coloured trainers when I had a pair of red puma suede around 1993, I canā€™t help myself, the one thing about having lots of trainers though is that they last for years. And I wonā€™t end up in the poor house due to my habit.
The ugg slippers were a present, one that I am now very happy with.


Thatā€™s a lovely post.

I think I like you again.


Iā€™m enjoying checking out whoā€™s liked the attack posts, that fucking tosser @carryharry is hanging around like a bad smell as usual when Iā€™m on the defence.
And the irony of being called an attention seeker by @Tassotti isnā€™t lost on me either :joy:

Venom works a lot more magic on here than sugar kidā€¦ beware of lads double ball hopping and liking posts that they actually hateā€¦

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So those boys actually love me :blush:

Only your poor mother loves you.

6 words and no emojis??? You havenā€™t started on the skunk yet??

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If youā€™re explaining youā€™re losing, pal.

Thanks buddy, I was a bit put out that my old buddy @ChocolateMice had taken a turn against me, itā€™s probably fair to say that I donā€™t really have much of a life at the moment but itā€™s not nice to read it :flushed:

Why donā€™t you do like everyone else on here and make one up? :joy:


Im in the same boat.thought he was a self involved narcissist initially.was impressed that he destoyed the elc but some of his recent posts and behaviours dont sit right. Still ,if the elc get uppity again he will destroy them


Could be worse mate ,maroonandwhites bird ditched him and his circle of friends choose her.he is alone in canada now

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No bothers, I thought you were the biggest cunt on here for a few months, when your approach to me softened I thought you were setting me up for something, now itā€™s become clear, as long as I can put occasional manners on the most feared grouping in Internet history Iā€™m grand? :cold_sweat: and youā€™ll tolerate my trainers and ugg slippers, ye should be grateful, Iā€™ve almost single handedly made this one of the best threads on TFK. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Iā€™ve set up yet another nice post for Treatystones, trainers at a funeral, who could have thought of that?

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Go jump in an incinerator you cunt.

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