Post a picture of your mud hut. And your trainers

nice :clap:

Class for break time.


bland enough

I’ve been wearing Converse for about the last 10 years, I like how they look but they’re absolutely shite in terms of quality. They offer fuck all protection from the cold or rain, are painful to break in, fairly uncomfortable to walk in and fall apart far too easily. It’s tough being really fucking cool sometimes.

I have a pair of similar adidas blue canvass types, same thing, look great but fuck all practicality.

Ah they’re not very comfortable and brutal in the elements. They were only €50 though so you’re paying exclusively for style. No substance

The latest additions:

Dunnes have grey Converse copies for €7. They’re identical even down to the sole. I cannily bought two pairs. One for now and one for when that pair falls apart.

Nice Sambas, by the way, Runt.

Nice. I didn’t think you’d have much money left after the other stuff you bought over there…

Why don’t you buy yourself some real shoes…

Both pairs for a grand total of $54 B)

Sounds like someone got dragged to Woodbury Commons

Macy’s actually.

Sorry to say Thrawneen but those runners will cut the feet off you after about 2 wears

These are my latest offering.

We have to suffer for fashion, Fran

Gay lad at work has those… fair play Farmer.

Got basically the same thing but different colour recently…

Stereotypical Farmer footwear. Brown and boring.