Post a picture that reminds you of a TFK poster (now incorporating videos)

WTF is that shit

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That is performance art. :slight_smile:


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This is the Post a picture that reminds you of a TFK poster thread.Whats that got to do with this thread @Biff_Egan ?

Thats Taz with the red nose.

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Stop projecting your upset that you are locked down. Just a couple more months, hopefully!

:rofl: .

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A number of us have always called Australia out for the shithole it is. The worst of Ireland, Britain and a few wog countries have defiled a beautiful country…Give it back to the aboriginals.

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It has come full circle

I’m part Wiradjuri … Some day we’ll reclaim Wagga for ourselves again.

Me and my pal Tucker Carlson stand with you bro

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Tucker Carslon on the ball there

I can’t believe this only got 4 (four) likes. Scandalous really.


Four more than it got the second time you tried to make yourself relevant.

That should be in the Louvre

Deserves a nice post at least.

Aboriginals?/weird phrase

There’s no way @flattythehurdler would have got the wireless hooked up to the compooter. Unless Jeeves has trained up on the EyeTee.