Post a picture that reminds you of a TFK poster (now incorporating videos)

Looks like Fagan and the nephew out for the day…

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Take your pick…


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We’re going to end up the same.Blockheads from Eastern Europe getting jobs and they can’t speak 2 words of English.We should do what the Aussies do-Basic literacy exam.Fail it and fuck off.

The country is infested with them

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Your centre parting has a real natural look @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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Australia wasn’t founded on basic literacy. A betrayal of their history.

I know that but it would make Ireland a better place and attract a better standard if it was in place here.And that’s for sure.

I’ll give you an example-Theres a care for the elderly place that hires people in to stay and mind people that are of that age and need help,located near where I work.About a year ago,I had an eastern European approach me on foot,waving a piece of paper looking for directions to an interview that from what I read,he was late for.
Not a single word of English.

And some people think it’s right to be allowing that into Ireland? And an unscrupulous employer hiring him and putting him in to give “Care”

The last thing any of our elders need is some lad spluttering at the end of their bed and not having a bulls notion of what’s needed.

Sure the majority of us don’t even speak our own language.

What if a person only speaks Irish and not English? What’s your stance on that?

So why don’t the micks do the jobs so?



Did u hook up with one of them or what? No other reason for that response.
Either that or you’re a woke cunt and if so,kindly fuck off

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Can’t get a chance with all the “please me job” crowd making the chicken fillet rolls and such

There’s an auld one of about 60 over from Poland just after starting in my local deli.

Try and give your order to her (with a mask on,I might add) and tell me how u get on.You might as well be speaking Klingon FFS!

How far would you have to walk from that deli to find a house full of native oirish that would sooner sit on their holes than take that work, or any other work?


I always feel sorry for the foreign girls trying to decipher local yokels like your good self.


"please"and “thank you” would be a start


The “racist muldoon” niche on this board is already filled.

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Thats a hell of a post.