Post a picture that reminds you of a TFK poster (now incorporating videos)

The whole reason the far right will never go anywhere really is because it is spearheaded by Gavin Pepper rough, gouger types. People just detest them and have gone out of their way all their lives to avoid them.

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Meat, two veg and potatoes a far more nutritious meal than pizza as well. Dare I say the countries health was in a much better place when potatoes were an integral part of our diet.

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Whats that from @Cheasty ?

Some school textbook apparently.

Surely not. That’s bizarre.

Sphe curriculum

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It reminds me of that ape @HBV
Except they never mentioned the kerb crawling

I thought it was a pisstake but it’s not, brilliant :rofl:

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I’d say your man is a demon for the podcasts

It’d be a great test case for the hate speech bill, if enacted

This has been withdrawn now apparently. In fairness the wokies do need some checks and balances too they lose the run of themselves completely in their echo chamber.

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The right wing headbangers were outraged and demanded it be censored.

Freeze peach!

They were right. The cunts

In what way are they right? Far right? They are the people who claim to be for free speech but they demonstrably only want free speech for people and things they agree with.

Also they have no sense of humour, they can’t take a joke. They hate being ridiculed as they so deserve to be.

No they were right absolutely specifically about that page in the sphe school book. In general they’re wrong. If it described a proper gavin pepper type id be all for it. But it associated all the best parts of Irish culture with people like that. And that was wrong but does give you a look into the mindset of the people who wrote it.

You’ve just given us a look into your David Quinn like mindset.

I was proved right on this one when they withdrew it. I’ll take the win and attack the day with a spring in my step


@BruidheanChaorthainn & the lads blazing through the night


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As the conspiracy fantasists say when they get things wrong and expose themselves as hypocrites, which is all the time.

You are 100% correct on this one. No need to explain yourself.