Post Ewan McKenna

OK, I’m his is a topic that I’m woefully uninformed about, no surprise there says you!!

What is Houlihan accused of in simple terms? Are you saying that nobody may have died because of his inaction or failure to allow greater transparency?

Following the end of the GAA inter-county season, we now have:
The managerial merry-go-round season
Inter-county retirement season
Controversial club transfer season
Martin Breheny list season

To add to that, we now have Covid Recrimination Season.

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I don’t really know what Holohan is accused of other than being portrayed in a general sense as some sort of supervillain bogeyman, because I don’t think those accusing him of stuff actually know what they are accusing him of.

My general sense is that there is a loose and vague perception out there that Holohan was personally to blame for the deaths of women, which is absolutely not the case. The tragic fact is that cervical cancer screening programmes do return a certain percentage of false negatives. This happens in all such programmes.

My reading of it is Holohan advised Simon Harris not to conduct an external investigation of Cervical Check, because the truth was the programme was functioning well and such an external review and misleading media coverage of it would undermine public confidence in the programme. Harris went ahead and ordered an external investigation anyway, which was the Scally report. As far as I can see the Scally report basically said that the system was functioning as intended.

The main aspect of the entire story was the poor structures in place for communicating results of audits to the patients affected. But this in no way affected any cancer diagnoses.

Top medic advised against Cervical Check review.

Dr Scally’s report in September 2018 affirmed that there was no evidence that the rates of discordant smear reporting, or the performance of the programme, fell below what is expected in a cervical screening programme. Dr Scally’s report was clear that the crisis arose because of a failed attempt to disclose the results of a retrospective audit to women who had already developed cervical cancer. He found no evidence of a coverup by the Department.

Dr Scally also said he was “satisfied” with the quality management processes in the labs.

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I am always interested in what you have to say. I just happen to,find some of it bizarre.

One or two lads need to be whacked round here

100 new posts and none of em about Ewan… His ego deserves better

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Another thread spoiled

Donald Trump Shut Up GIF by Creative Courage


Some good arguments here in fairness and ‘food’ for thought on at least what they were trying to achieve with 9 euro meals etc.
I still believe strongly though that most of the restrictions were pure guess work, shots in the dark and wouldn’t be introduced again for a similar virus.
One last point ill make is that in jan 22 when schools opened again after Xmas and the whole of society a few weeks later there were loads of people on tfk, twitter, media etc making the same doomsday predictions about tsunamis of illness and death they had made throughout. absolutely none of them came to pass and we’ve never looked back. This has to give pause for thought at least.


@Malarkey …are you still blaming the lads in the ‘wet market’?

You know what I mean. All the troublesome viruses start up when land not suitable for agricultural/industrial use is opened up.

@fulvio cleaning house


Bad grammar though

You often see awkward squad freaks like MacKenna throw out terms like McCarthyism. They really are an incredible bunch of sad sacks.


Ewan seems to me like the type that wouldn’t back down easily and will dig his heels in.

This could go on a while.


Life comes at you fast sometimes

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Even by ewan’s standards that’s an awful clamping.


Offfffftt as the man says, headshot

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Another few tweets to be sentenced to deletion. It’s the lads who blindly lap him up you’d feel sorry for

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Did Mr totti ever express an opinion on the Derry football manager

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