Post Ewan McKenna

The major asterisk over their all Ireland win this year will be punishment enough.

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These women need support, now more than ever

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The boobs?


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Anyone with even a sliver of wit can infer what was going on here. They were out in Dubai a couple of weeks earlier as well.

Good luck to them, after a fashion. But adopting this pair as lockdown martyrs is one of the looniest tunes ever whistled.

Poor old Ewan is caught between a rock and a hard place yet again. If you think about it.


I can’t comment on these girls, I haven’t followed their story.

But Ewan, like his followers, is so desperate for validation here that he’s trying to make heroes out of anybody giving two fingers to NPHET, as if that in itself is admirable, perhaps i should send him the photo of the sign i took down.
The placing on a pedastal that we’ve seen of one of Ireland’s nastiest men, John McGurk, by Ewan’s minions (here and elsewhere) is actually hilarious


Under wire?

Yes. Spot on. That syllogism ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ makes for some contortions.

John McGuirk… An odious creep. He has lost every attention-seeking argument he ever sought to make. Was everything and nothing in TCD days.

Declan Ganley’s fluffer… Talk about being a leper’s valet.

A close friend of mine was in secondary school with The Ganner. He said recently The Ganner was the first person he heard mention Donald Trump – in fawning terms, of course.



Some kick in the teeth for the family. They spend all that money to give the girl a fantastic birthday present and she throws it back in their face.

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Oh now.

The Bugs Bunny Orchestra in full swing.

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There’s about 40 different criteria for class…

I think the learned Ewan has miss-categorised these ladies. I don’t believe working glass women have €10k to blow on no-diddy jobs.


Is the thinking now that they were drug mules or cash mules for the likes of the kinahans?
Surely they’d be keeping the head down, doing the two weeks and not drawing attention to themselves in that case?

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I think there are clear dots to be joined up. Will say no more.

Meanwhile the childishness of EMacK is off the charts. You could lead him round the place with the promise of Calpol.


Of course they would but IN TIP OL has it solved

You’re right. He should not be questioning his betters, there are no double standards at play here and the mainstream Irish media hold power to account.

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“his betters” is your ventriloquism, not mine. Hewie could not give flying ones about anyone but himself and his career.

Worshipped morons become more moronic, same as cow dung helps fresh grass to grow. Law of nature.

I don’t see anyone nominating the lad for a Pulitzer, but credit to him for telling a little truth to power. MSM has shown extraordinary cowardice over the last year. Many people feel abandoned by politicians and journalists.

Well, if EMacK is best muster, god help us all. He is well on his way to Gemma Station.

I repeat: EMacK interest in anything or anyone except himself. He is a charlatan trying to generate more Twitter followers so that he might be offered work on the basis of ‘social media traction’. How people cannot see this facet should be beyond me – but is not.


Well on his way to Gemma station? Chem trails and racism? Haven’t seen it myself.