Post Ewan McKenna

There’s lads on here with a serious addiction.


What i love about @Ewan is his absolute scatter gun approach to abuse. Fuck knows what tirade he’ll go on next. You’d be agreeing with him one minute and the next you’d be backing away slowly from any association with him. He’s against everything and nothing really


Even if you saw no evil in punting there was something very off about a certain top jockey going in to brief PP traders before big meetings


Had some pretty rotten days with it myself.

Jockeys, and most of the racing fraternity in all honesty, would climb over their own dead grandmother for a pound note.

There was some journalist who died a few years ago, did a load of fundraising for the Injured Jockeys Fund, idolised those top lads, would’ve met them many times at races and that. Not one of them went to his funeral. He championed their cause and betterment his whole career.


Might have been Fitzgerald in The Star

M sympathy vanished when I read as far as the boob job bit. I’d never heard of them before that. Ewan finds some strange hills to die on.


I havent really followed this … so they were gifted money for an op, were out in Dubai previously and went again but decided against the op. Did they come home with the money or did it stay out there?

Gemma started out being fairly generic centre-right in her stuff…I would think the parallells between the 2 mentioned here are stronger than you think.

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Me neither. Were they partaking in the world’s oldest profession possibly?

Took them a few days to come up with ‘the money for the surgery was a 30th birthday present’ story.

I have to say, neither ladies strike me as having the ability to be stone masons.


A noble steer away from the smut-edge there. The thread could have descended (further) into disrepute!

A lot of these instagrammers are doing a bit of stone masonry at the weekend’s I’m led to believe.

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Interesting to see the posters on here who love lock down are still posting about these two women today.

Domestic abuse is through the roof since lock down started…

Something like that. @Copper_pipe will know.

Is he centre right now? The other day he was talking about joining an Irish socialist party. Still, can’t be too careful I suppose.

The Irish left were all over Gemma during her respectable anti-establishment days. Shinners/Soc Dems etc

As I said, i havent read much and i’m totally jumping the gun- but have these ladies gone back and forth a few times? Doesnt one of Ireland’s most infamous criminals live over there?

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Neither are left.

Yes. They have wonderful friends who foot the bill.