Post Ewan McKenna

Well, what has the weirdo done now?

He’s in the sewer now. There’s no way out of that setting.

the virus loves a good bit of juicy gossip mixed with hypocrisy

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This will be a photo of Sam McConkey having a quiet pint in his back garden or something? Some minor academic hugging their girlfriend?

McConkey isn’t in NPHET


itll be a pic of george lee indoors with his snout wedged far up tonys hole in breach of the social distancing and mask guidelines


I’ll take a PM @Perez2017

Can someone take and distribute pictures of you as they wish, legally?

Does The GDPR Also Apply To Photographs And Films? - Privacy - Germany (

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Thanks is our Hancock video moment. Great meme potential


Ewan and Paddy Cosgrave should setup a news website
Award winning writer and mutli millionaire entrepreneur.


He will do nathing


Might save his career as an investigative journalist.

Come on Ewan ireland needs you

Ewan continuing to be bax affice

Ewan exposing the hypocrisy of our LIDTF overlords who craft these restrictions but don’t follow them themselves because they know they’re a mirage, a cod, a pretence.

Ewan Ewan Ewan

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Will Ewan turn this into a money grab
“If 500 patriots share a 2 euro coin, I’ll release the photos” - assuming these photos exist

If Ewan was a yank , hed be sleeping in a Russian embassy somewhere right now


Ewan must have finally got a hold of the video of Zeebs and Murray that was doing the rounds here eight years ago.