Post your favourite meltdowns over President Trump's victory


This, this is my most favourite meltdown.



Bit of a meltdown allright. But in the greafter scheme of things, the break up of 1 direction was way more disturbing .

Happy to give that #29!


You neo-liberal spastic.

I will teach my daughters that bad people often seek power and just get on with your life and i will teach them to make informed decisions about men and hopefully signs of deception.

But above all i will empower them to survive themselves and make their own decisions and let them know i’m there if needed.


Mylie Cyrus ffs

You’re going to be a great father.


Lofty encouragement

He’ll have a great way about him with a kid.

This doesn’t really deserve a reply, but I’ll give it a shot anyway.

Kev’s post got 29 likes because it exposes the utter stupidity of the hysterical (in both meanings of the word) reaction to Trump’s win. It’s not just the nutter feminists either, there are plenty male feminists out there who are just as hysterical. The awkward reality for them (which they won’t address) is that Hillary attracted fewer women voters than Obama, and… (drumroll)… 42% of women voted for Trump. Are they all self hating misogynists? Do they approve of having their pussies grabbed by randomers?

If Kev has a daughter, she will grow up in the real world, unlike whatever fairytale land you inhabit. Broad strokes, but in the real world many women (not all) are attracted to rich powerful men, and frankly not alone have no problem having their pussies grabbed, but are just as likely to engage in a bit of organ grabbing themselves. Read the excellent TFK thread on inappropriate groping of men, the sexual assault that @Fitzy had to endure for example is horrifying. Where is the outrage?

I would hope Kev’s imaginary daughter, if she encountered a pig like Trump who tried to grab her pussy, would smash his nose with the heel of her hand, or if space permits lift him off the ground with a kick to the nuts. That’s what I thought my daughter, and I wouldn’t like to be the guy who tried to grab her.

There is nothing misogynist about calling a woman a stupid bitch, just as there is nothing misandrist about calling a man a stupid prick or a stupid dickhead. Unless your view of the world is that there are no stupids, a remarkable worldview even for you. The harsh reality is the world is full of stupids, and social media has given all of them a voice, when in former times many of them would be incarcerated for insanity.


Talking about Kev’s unborn daughter’s pussy…What the fuck??? Christ this place is mental.


Apparently the president of the USA tried to grab it. Haven’t read it all yet, I’m sparing it for later.



Have to hand it to ya, thats a belter.

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Looks like she finally got her achy breaky heart broke

The exact responses from the usual suspects I expected when I posted that. This place must be full of the most predictable flock of sheep on the Internet, all claiming they don’t go along with the standard view, and all then proceed to post the exact same response. You couldn’t make it up. A crowd of sheep with the depth of thought of a spoon.

Carry on there lads.


You don’t know what neo-liberal means.

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