Poster s with degree s

Heā€™s very needy.

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All those beans left uncounted.

Long time since I counted beans pal.

Is McIlroy there somewhere?


One thing never wasted on someone and thatā€™s education


Actually you could be right

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A degree is a reward for doing a bit of work in your last two years in school. A post grad is a reward for hanging around for a few years.
Universities need to award degrees more than people need to receive them.
Education is for those who need educating

Youā€™ve never been to Arklow have you Joe?

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It was wasted on that prick.

Thatā€™s a month late. Most of them are gone

Masters here Joe

I have a degree in compooters Joe.

Iā€™d prefer a degree in cutting lawns Joe.

But what would you call education @Joe_Player. This forum is a wasteland of useless hipster, craft beer drinking analysists who cant change a ball-cock.

Youā€™re wasting your time here pal . Presuming you know what Iā€™m on about.


Tell the parents they paid for it.

Mba joe in 2009/10

20k and n truth I learnt fuck all out ok of it, but rheres more.
The contacts I made there have made me an awful lot of money in the years since then.
You are a product of your environment and the secret of individual success is the 5 peoole you surround yourself with and base your decision making on.
That mba changed my life in ways I never thought possible
It also made me a small fortune.



Masters - learnt fuck all, thesis nearly killed me.

Would rather to the bean counting exams again than do another thesis.

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