Premier League 2017/18

You’re obsessed with Spurs. You never talked about them this much in the days when you were a Spurs supporter.

Chelsea’s record of 5 red cards (should be 6) in 8 games speaks for itself. Officials have wised up to their hacking and cynicism though and the appropriate action is for the most part now applied (with the exception of Alonso not getting a red card at Stoke yesterday).

Chelsea’s record of 5 red cards in 8 games is proof positive of a refereeing bias against us.

Spurs record of having the highest positive penalty difference is proof positive of Spurs having a refereeing bias in favour of them.

To put it simply, major conglomerates like Spurs will always get the big decisions over a side like Chelsea.

Chelsea are 1 billion in debt , mate… That’s financial doping and the spending of a conglomerate. Between 03-13 Chelsea’s net spend was +650m, second to Man City with 900m and ahead of Utd with 575m … Liverpool were in around 350m…

Since 14 Chelsea and Liverpool have a net spend of about 170m, Arsenal 240m , while the Manchester clubs are at 500m each…

Chelsea have trimmed their wage bill after spending 10 years buying everyone and anyone but their spending is up there with the rest and their 1billion debt can’t be overlooked.

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our fans never murdered anyone though mate


What club’s fans did?

odd that a Liverpool fans doesnt remember Hillsborough and Heysel

Odd that you’re not aware of the recent findings on Hillsborough… As for Hysel, the Italians killed themselves doing what they do best, running away…


:open_mouth: I’m tempted to give that a like but I’m worried that @Bandage will have a hemorrage from his E fanny if I do,
That was saucy mate.

Check mate

Incorrect, Chelsea are debt free.

Liverpool on the other hand have a net debt of about £150m.

Sweep, sweep… The Russian oligarch has fiddled the books and changed the name of holding companies to make it look like there’s no debt…the audit trail is still there.

I’m just calling you out on the propaganda based on incorrect statement you are putting forward, mate.

You may have problems reconciling yourself with that but the statements of fact refute your claims.

Post up the names and details of the Liverpool fans you assert were convicted of murder after Heysel and Hillsbrough. I’m open to correction on this but I don’t believe there were any murder convictions.

Mr right is right and wrong is wrong :joy:

You’re the one claiming that Chelsea had a debt of £1bn when it’s simply not true.

Chelsea’s financial statements are audited and they comply fully with FIFA’s Financial Fair Play.

What’s fair about them having 60 players on their books just to prevent anyone else playing them?


Liverpool fans got the shite beat out of them in Rome in 84. They sought vengeance in Heysel. A wall fell on Juve fans as they ran from Liverpool fans. Liverpool fans guilty of a lot of things that night but not murder.

What about it, they buy players cheap, farm them out for a few years and sell them off for a profit?

Good business plan.

Mr right is right is ok with financial corruption when it suits :):joy:

You think the wall fell by itself do you?