Premier League 2017/18


Sweep, sweepā€¦

No. Italian fans running away knocked it.

The Wops charged the Liverpool fans, the Liverpool fans charged back and in true Italian fashion, they ran.

Yes, there were some manslaughter convictions after Heysel but yet again we have another instance of @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy pedaling blatant lies with his references to murder convictions.

The Liverpool fans murdered 39 innocent Juventus fans.

Their behaviour saw British teams banned from Europe.

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The pretend IRA man supporting her majestyā€™s Chelsea. You couldnā€™t make it up.

About 100 fans involved. Belgian police stood back.

Playing the game was a disgrace. I remember watching it on TV, being at football training and coming in ten minutes late and being relieved I had not missed start of the matchā€¦

Murderer apologist.

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The Italian fans knocked a wall over and crushed their own. Very sad but we canā€™t let emotion get in the way of facts.

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Who will biteā€¦

There were no murders at Heysel.

There were 39 Juventus fans - men, women and children - lying dead after the Liverpool fans attacked the Juventus fans.

Murderer apologist.

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Guys, guys ā€¦ I realise that the death of 39 people isnā€™t quite as serious as a few pretend RAstoolers pals with tasseled slip ons getting a bit of a fright, buts itā€™s nothing to make light of either.

I condemn the Liverpool fans convicted of manslaughter arising from the events at Heysel.

These lads run at the slightest startling

Maybe if the Liverpool fans had a balanced diet and were in decent physical shape, they would not have crushed each other at Hillsborough.

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or drank excessively

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The causes of Hillborough were laid bare in a number of investigations. That was not one.

There were no murder convictions for Heysel.

Why were English teams subsequently banned from European competitions for 6 years?

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