Premier League 2018/19

My point stands

Did you play?

I did, not to a great standard. More of a hurling man

There are some fine sides in Tipp

There are. Soccer and the GAA are great for rural Ireland

We played templetuohy in the latter stages of an u15 national cup years ago. They were 3-0 up before we got off the bus. Townie arrogance.

I was full back on a Bob Radcliffe Cup winning side.


Stopper or attacking?

Bobby Boucher?

There was a fellow that used to post here before you joined, @Nembo_Kid who won one of those as well.


He must have been very good.

What was your team?

Do you want my national insurance number too?

Wouldnā€™t have thought you had one, not recognising the State and all that.

What are the chances of two Irish-Italians from Armagh, but who support Tyrone, and who lived in Galway - both ending up on here and both with Bob Radcliffe Cup winning medalsā€¦ Life can be full of coincidences at times.


Thereā€™s a big Italian community in Armagh.

ā€¦whoā€™ve got it real bad for Clodagh Haganā€¦



TFK gives you all sorts tbf