Premier League 2020-2021

what number would you want, 12 teams?

6 or 8 I’d say.

Before I sign up — what’s changed in the last 10 years that I should know about? - Can you drop and add players as much as you like? And how does the wild card work? — you also get points for a voice captain?


Fuck sake dont let them drag you back in!

and the wild card?

I just want to beat @backinatracksuit after his cliams that he was the best in Ireland for a 10 year period back when you had to ring it in off the newspapers pre internet

Vengeance is as good an excuse as any. Bate the bollix off the cunt.

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There’s two wild cards. One for the second week of the season when half your team are no longer starters and one for after Christmas when you make mad decisions in a bit to close the gap on the leaders.

It’s basically a free transfer in addition to your allotted one weekly transfer?

Yeah. It’s a week where you can make as many as you like.

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ok - @Copper_pipe set up the league there … head to head

Hmm I’ll have to create another team now to protect my identity from my e-pals.

Dont mind that … anyway - i forgot about urd and city not playing till week 2. That’s a bit of a head fuck.

It certainly makes things interesting.

You get players in for week 1 who don’t play or else you wildcard in Week 2 to get them in.

You don’t want to be going to many weeks without Man City players if they are playing.

We’ve 15 in our draft league this year. This is my year.

sign me up for this @Thomas_Brady

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Sign @EstebanSexface up for this @Thomas_Brady

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@Copper_pipe, get @Thomas_Brady to sign @EstebanSexface up for this