Premier League 2020-2021

Ah yeah but you can abbreviate C Pipe.

Set up a second team under a different name sure. Thatā€™s what I did there a few mins ago. Hopefully it doesnā€™t cost me the Managers Jacket if I win the entire thing out!:grimacing:

Iā€™ve my midfield sorted for this now anyway


Morning Ireland Sport bulletin havenā€™t mentioned the EPL is starting the weekend . Irelandā€™s No 1 sporting interest and no mention .

Weā€™ve won

Manchester. You have a lot to answer for.

Sign in @backinatracksuit, @Batigol, @Copper_pipe and @Locke @Gman @balbec @Tank @lonelyisland236

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Will join this evening.

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Me too

Thanks for the invite mate

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Use my one pal.

Iā€™ve wasted enough of my life on here.

Iā€™ve fucked up anyway; fuck all of my team are playing in this game week

log in kid

Get it changed before tomorrow. Site usually crashes before the first gameweek starts.

itā€™s head to head - you can make it up with victories down the road


In. Thanks for setting it up mate

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Do I nerd an invite or do I go fuck my self or do I just join!

Just join, open to all

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whatā€™s the private league code? for some reason the invitation to join the league has gone to the young fellas gmail address.