Premier League 2022/23

3 matches off already. Chelsea v Liverpool. United v whomever and Palace v Brighton

If the royal family want to stay popular they should be bending over backwards to get sport on.

This split season is fucking the premier league, they’ll all be watching NFL now

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It’s a policing resourcing issue.

The killing thing about it is these games cancelled now probably wont be played till the Wednesday night before the final day of the season next May.

Why do they need so many police at a funeral?

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Prince Andrew is going to be there




That’s the line being used as reasoning

It’s Liverpool’s fault

And Gearoid Hegarty.


You on about?

Your local team destroyed by the hoops

Bonagee Utd is my local team.

I don’t pass 6/7 clubs to try find a more successful club.

You footix cunt.

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Getting your hoop destroyed isn’t pleasant

I’ll have to take your word for that


You didn’t think this gag through, did you?