Premier League 2023/2024, why do irish people follow this farmers league

Incorrect. The goalie used his arms in an attempt to trip the attacker. There was contact, even the goalie admitted it. Stonewall.

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This is worse than his stonewalling of Mick Wallace

A bizarre take given that his extended arm which Mike claims he was using to trip Jota, made no contact at all… It was his bent elbow as he landed brushed off Jota

Jota had his mind made up to go down. Sad really but that’s the game

All modern players are coached to go down… That was taking it to an extreme.

The level of lads seethe is so easy to measure here and its delicious!

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Perverse incentives. A penalty is a huge reward more than 75% chance of a goal. Probably closer to 80% with Salah. You reward diving lads will dive.

I think we need to bring back indirect free kicks for the lesser offences. Mainly because indirect free kicks in the box are great craic

Lolz you’re looking at the wrong arm for the contact. Go look again like a good lad, check out the elbow of the non out stretched arm. That’s where the contact was. The goalie has admitted thete was contact yet you still maintain there was none.

You said he tried to trip him… I already said his elbow brushed off him,? Why did it take hom two steps and five yards after contact to go down? :rofl:… And contact doesn’t mean a peno ffs. Didn’t Arsenal have a similar situation overturned?

Pipe down. Even the goalie has no complaints.

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He dived. Are you denying he dived?

The opposition goalie doesn’t think so and that’s good enough for me.

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From the referee’s POV:

  • The keeper made contact
  • Jota went down late but it might not have been obvious that it was a dive from where the ref was viewing - had to give it

From VAR’s POV:

  • the keeper made contact, it wasn’t a clear and obvious error, couldn’t overturn


  • the keeper made contact, but Jota dived

Would you stop, when there were rumours the saudis wanted to buy the murderers klopp said he would stay

As always Fran cuts through the bullshit in his trademark fashion


A really helpful deconstruction of a controversial incident.

Thank you to @Fran.


Nobody could argue with it, partly because of its sheer blandness