Premier League 2023/2024, why do irish people follow this farmers league

McAllister looks exposed playing in a midfield where the team isnt keeping 60-65% possession.

Liverpool lowering the blade early here

Trent is having a macedonia

Newcastle are purring

Trent :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

He’ll have to whip trent here. He’s had a horrible afternoon

Turns out the haircut wasn’t the solution to how shite he is after all

This is some mental breakdown

Oh my word. There goes Virgil!!! :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::red_circle:

Another foul there from Trent too. He’s having a mare

Klopp will do well to see October

You have a chubby mate?

Virgil has disgraced the great Club of Liverpool FC with his carry on here.

This could be a 6 or 7 nil beating


This will be the day Newcastle take their place among the elite clubs of Europe

That’s absolute brain dead stuff from VVD

Why are they even debating the VAn Dyke one. Clear red in first viewing

He had to go

He’s been shit since Pickford kicked him

Not even a free kick. Game’s gone. Saudi money poisons everything.