Premier League 2023/2024, why do irish people follow this farmers league

Friday Night Premier League doesn’t really work does it?

Give me Birmingham City v QPR in the Championship over it any week

They won’t break 20 pts, Luton are dirt. Like a good League One team.

Sunderland v Southampton should be a great Intermediate clash on Sky Sports tomorrow lunchtime.

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Watch LOI mate

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Treacherous footix

Mate I’ll be back playing in the Wexford football league when the GAA season finishes.


Whats the standard like in that?

I’d be playing down in the lower echelons but it’s surprisingly good. A few 1st team players can tog out for the 2nd teams depending on what time matches are so you could end up playing against some very talented players. I only started back in recent years to keep up fitness during the close season from GAA but playing 90 minutes most weekends during the winter is good craic. It can be a bit route one at times, I’d prefer ball on deck. Don’t like the aerial part of the game.

Where do you play? You can easily dominate in games if you can play a bit when its route one? Read the breaks. Its kick and rush so gamble a few times and play ahead of the ball, if you’re already ahead of the ball, go wide and nobody will follow you.

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Yeah I play on the wings. Right or left midfield. We’re usually the route one team with the opposition dominating possession though which is a slog. Played a few of the weaker teams in the league towards the end of last season and it was very enjoyable being on the front foot. You’d often end up playing against senior club hurlers keeping fit who don’t want the hassle of committing to training. Mark Fanning the Wexford keeper of recent years was playing in the 6th tier in the season just gone.


Stay high and wide, you’ll be told to follow a full back but all you’ll do is invite pressure, follow him half way back and read the turnover. You’ll have 40 yards of space

I always found that gaa lads would gas after 65/70 minutes. They’re always flat out for the last 20.

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Yeah the levels of fitness involved surprised me. Used to play 7 a-side in Pike when I was in college in UL and the Limerick lads we played against were more skilful but we just had more fitness from GAA so we’d eventually out run them. I’ve found it to be the opposite now though. A 60 minute GAA match would hardly knock anything out of me but 90 minutes in soccer is more taxing. Usually the ankles that feel it the most.

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I find soccer way handier than Gah. Now I’d be standing in the backs usually. Walking up and down with the line and the odd sprint.

Wing is a lot tougher alright.

It does go on forever though.

What i find with gaa lads, their fitness is incredible but they don’t pace themselves for 90. They’d be grand in the winter when they’ve got in to the rhythm of it but when they first come back they cramp up around 65/70. No doubt over an hour you’d do way more sprints than you would the same time in a soccer match. 30 minutes extra is a lot

The physical aspect of the gah used to make it a tougher game for me stamina wise, particularly at adult level, you might run a few miles less but the pulling and dragging, dints etc would take it out of you quicker

Amazing. I knew a league of Ireland footballer and he’d run any gaa player I know into the ground.

I always thought the fitness required for soccer is light years ahead hurling anyway.

Yes, they did a comparison a few years ago and there really is no comparison

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You get plenty pulling and dragging and physical tussles playing higher up the leagues in soccer. I never played a high level of gaa to compare. Playing MSL you’d have a centre half hanging off you for 90 minutes

City getting the usual assistance from the officials here

Chelsea are outstandingly gutless.

They clearly need a few more useless ÂŁ120m players on eight year contracts.