Presidential Election 2018

I just checked there. 17/2 on Powers and 15/2 on Boyles

Can you put up the link to the market mate?

Try this.

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Lovely. That’s too big.

Ladbrokes have a “To finish 2nd place” market

Casey is 8/1 on that

Max bet €30 on a mugs account (my fathers) at 8/1 though. Might be due a shop run during the week.

Why or who is voting for this fat little prick Higgins. I’d rather any shinner in there than him and his twee shit little poetry and his eating at the trough for God knows how many years. I’m going to have a fucking stroke looking at this smug baldy midget cunt at every sporting event ehich he knows fuck all about for the next few years. Fucksake, he’s the embodiement of aren’t we oirish hilarious creatures, I’ll make a twee little joke and lets save the starving and the travellers and oh look at this wonderful art installation we’ve spunked 20m on. Fucksake


He’ll surely keel over in a couple of years.

He’s probably best equipped for the role, as it is essentially a twee handshake fest.

But since the media/television and the political establishment are all backing the midget, Im voting for Peter Casey.

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The Oirish are champagne socialists.

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What a this about the OPW renovating Higgins house in Galway?
It’s utter madness that this horrible little bastard gets 14 years living like a king in the biggest house in Oireland at our expense while being a pretend socialist. And given 3 and a half million euros with it . His accent changing more each year . Getting fatter each year.




This fella would fit in well here if hes not here already


Hi met Kevin Sharkey once, he was cool.


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Sad news about Kevin Sharkey

Does the midget have Parkinsons? That’s a very serious claim to make… You have to laugh at Casey, he had planned to take the weekend off weeks ago (must have forgotten that he told the Ivan Yates show) but instead made it look like he was gonna bow out — only to come back and tell the people of Ireland he’s staying in to fight for them :joy: - A gas man altogether.

Peter Casey is tremendous fun

He’s gathering momentum daily…


They think he’s one of the Southill Caseys.