Presidential Election 2018

Make Ireland great again - vote Casey.

Ergo his rise .

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Wow. Already trying to delegitimise President Casey.

Just back from voting :raising_hand_man:t2:


This is why we love you @Bandage.

It is done

Voted an hour ago
Asked the staff at the polling station if they were busy - they said no.
I give a little fist pump so I did


You have to laugh — FF/FG TDs are all over social media urging people to get out and vote. This is the same two parties that wanted to hand Lord Higgins 7 more years in the Aras without an election.


Blasphemy is a crime.


When will we find out if Mr. Casey has won?

We’ve already won mate

Did you get the money down?

I got a few bob on him at 8/1 alright. And a few bob Gavin Duffy to get lowest first preference percentage at 11/10.

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It is done. Again

Voted KC.
Gallagher shouldn’t have run, last the last time, tough shit
Don’t care for Duffy
MDH said he wouldn’t run again the last time
Will never vote SF
Gave freeman my number 2

What’s done is done and cannot be undone. For to go back would be as tedious as to go forward

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Your English roots run deep in you.