PSLC- to join or not to join

any people from Portmarnock care to inform me if its worth joining?

Absolutely not.

You’ll forever be in debt to the likes of @Juhniallio who is part of a cabal running that place. You pay your fees and then a month later they come knocking asking for an extra levy.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 981476, member: 1”]Absolutely not.

You’ll forever be in debt to the likes of @Juhniallio who is part of a cabal running that place. You pay your fees and then a month later they come knocking asking for an extra levy.[/QUOTE]


how much is it to join? do you have to pay for extra for swims?

the arena is €1250 for the family to join but swimming lessons for kids are free. You may remember I asked gman to find out whats the average cost of kids swimming lessons are and bemusingly his response was “the wind blew the roof of a pool near me” so I cant judge is the arena good value

What are you getting for 1250 @Rocko

Haven’t been a member in a long time. You used to get nothing for free anyway, apart from access to the lobby. After that it was just discounts on everything. But then you’d try and go to the swimming pool and they’d check if you’d paid an extra levy to pay for the pool and if you didn’t have that you’d pay a non member’s rate. Fucking sham.

the whole family have access to pool, me and my wife have access to gym , there is free classes & swimming lessons for kids for free

That’s good value, pal. I say go for it.

thanks mate, I really have to see what gman comes up with for the average cost of a kids swimming lesson to know for sure though

Gmail lives right by the sea and teaches the kids himself so he doesn’t need to pay for lessons in a swimming pool anymore mate. You’ll be waiting a while. Sorry to disappoint you.

It’s an awful soulless dump. For 1250, I’d join.


Yes, Gmail. After my predictive text error earlier I’m going to continue calling him Gmail.

I will also call him gmail


@Young Ned of the Hill. The above is obviously bollocks. As you know from your intimate knowledge of the Rocko clan, Rocko cannot swim, despite living beside the sea for his entire life. I doubt he has ever tried to go for a swim there. I can confirm that I am a member and have to pay to use the facilities(I bring the little lady swimming every sunday morning) but the rate is heavily discounted from what non members are charged. Pints are also significantly cheaper for members. How it compares to other clubs in the locale I have no idea.

I wouldn’t rate it as a local mate.

Seems somewhat steep to me when, albeit in cheaper Cork, most gyms with pools were 550-700 per person. Doesn’t seem like much of a discount for family.
Maybe the other Dublin prices make it compare well, I don’t know, but seemed a little much.