Pubs opening

I honestly think we’re gonna be done out of a summer and I agree it’s most likely pubs won’t open till September when schools and uni is back etc. They’re afraid of their lives of the summer as we’ve no other tool other than lockdowns. As called months ago, They’ll drag the vaccinations out, point to numbers of some category or other staying high and justify it to keep us at L4 till September. A dog with a mallet up his hole could see this coming since before Christmas. Big business is uninterrupted and in many quarters earning more. Civil service are all secure in their positions so they don’t give a fuck… Everyone else can go shit in their hat as all politicians are getting a handy gig and the gov are hiding behind nphet. If the press and a handful of politicians had the gumption to stand up to what’s going on we might see some traction but instead resistance is being led by a lot of headbangers which just hems us in further.

It’s a lovely mess.



I’d be still hopeful for the middle of may. Once Boris opens up the pressure will be on.

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October Bh more likely than June


Last year covid tailed off dramatically in April. If we see a repeat this year aided by the vaccine id still hold out hope.

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Keep on hoping anyway sure pal it doesn’t cost owt

It’s the hope that kills you…

False hope is always better than no hope :pray:

Hope is the thing with feathers

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Hopes a dangerous thing

Hope is hopeless.

After a year of drinking quality craft beer on your Casey’s furniture coffee table cc @StoneCold, in the comfort of your own home, who wants to go back to packed pubs, yahoos roaring in your ear and lads pissing on your shoes in the jacks.

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Only if your in the 6 counties. We’ll be lucky to be open by Halloween

People with a bit about them

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Fuck that I miss the smell of sweat, stale beer and porter fart in the local

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I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope
For hope would be hope for the wrong thing

I need the pubs to open soon so I can cut back on my drinking


Was in one decorating this morning all ready to rock , lucky some pubs have apartments above etc or they’d be lots not opening at all

The Oval?
