Out of curiosity if the pubs opened the Saturday of the may bank holiday and no vaccine was found or anything like that would you go for a pint? I just want to get a general feel. We will work on the presumption the pubs are very busy and the weather is good.
Not if they are very busy and social distancing isn’t enforced. I’d definitely go for a pint in an outdoor beer garden if the barman was wearing a mask and wearing gloves.
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Thanks lads it’s for a little college project I’m doing so I appreciate the comments too.
I would stay away - not for the virus but for the amount of people likely to be yahooing around the towns.
I’d talk a big game online and give out.
Then I’d get bored on the night and go
There’s pubs out there that cant clean lipstick off a glass not to mind an invisible virus 
Bring your own glass from now on I’d say.
They won’t even let ya use reusable cups for coffee now.
How are you supposed to pull a sort on zoom?
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It’s all grinder and bumble now.
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I’d hauld off until Tuesday afternoon I’d say.
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Pubs will not reopen until August at the earliest.
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Imo it’ll be 2021. I hope all is well Elvis. The point is though would you go for a pint if you could. Not so much when they’ll reopen.
Pubs will be open in June. Bookmark it.
You’re going to use the good lunatics of TFK as some sort of sample of society to present to an academic institution 
That truly bates Banagher,
The votes are anonymous, if fellas don’t have the opportunity to question/lambast/justify then you won’t get a true reflection in either case
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Ah no just trying to get a general feel that’s all