Pubs opening

Turned it blue/ grey

Itā€™s a soulless looking spot alright.

Thereā€™ll be no need for a ā‚¬9 meal when the doors are welded shut for the summer.

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My local at home are developing their outside space apparently. That probably means a few fold up chairs and tables on a unlevel piece of gravel and stones. There may be the odd big umbrella or wooden bench to be seen.

It sounds like heaven right now.

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it must be shite altogether not being able to drop in for a yarn ,a jar and a sconce at the paper paper, especially if ones used to having a pint regularly,when I used booze Friday night was something to look forward to, even though I havenā€™t had a pint in yrs,I still enjoy dropping in for a bit of craic

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Are they even going to allow people indoors in the first place? Recent pronouncements would make you think they probably wonā€™t allow any indoor hospitality.

Itā€™s the thing I miss most during the pandemic.

I used to love to head home at weekends. Arrive down Saturday around 1pm, greet my Mam and auntie at home, do a few chores, wander down the town to the local, have a few pints and back up to the house again early. The craic in the pub would be great as well as general chat about everything and anything. And if there is a bit of sport on all the better.

Sunday then potter around again at bits and pieces for while before some dinner and heading back east.

I know my Mam is really struggling at this stage with not seeing any of us. Iā€™ll head this weekend - fuck the restrictions.


Thatā€™s the spirit @farmerinthecity.:clap::clap:

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Have you been to Manor mate since Christmas?

Itā€™s a shit show for your mam and all the other mams around,mental health is suffering - they have to bloody open up restaurant and pubs in some fashion,as alcohol sales in the uk and here have spiralled well over 40 pc atm.
Last week a neighbours daughter directly across the road attempted to cut her wrists, garda ambulance etc,
Thankfully it was a cry for help.
Pubs GAA and soccer need to start up ASAP


Thatā€™s shocking.

But we all need to do more. Me bollix.

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I agree ,and by all accounts suicide and suicidal attempts are spiralling in the Cork region so I presume itā€™s the same nationally,kids especially teens need to mingle socially ,thatā€™s where local sports clubs fill the void for those on the fringes socially,GAA especially is v inclusive

I am single and i am really feeling it at the moment. Have tinder etc but i am shoving on with regards meeting someone. Doing a good bit of exercise to keep me sane but its tough.


I feel very sorry for them.

Not helped by grouchy old ones giving young people grief as if they should be a bastion of sense at that age.


Same was mentioned by a Midleton lady to me this morning,ref young fellas hopping the wall nightly to kick a ball about,her neighbour giving out tut tutting etc, Midleton lady shut her up quickly

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Ye Cork cunts fucked us the last time Club GAA was up and running.

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No,I went up to a funeral in early December and before that was July. Iā€™m not bothered by guards or anything but Iā€™m waiting on the mother(80) to get her jabs,id never hear the end of it off one of my sisterā€™s whoā€™s a right curtain twitcher if I went up and the Mother caught covid,shed have me arrested.Anyways she got her first jab a few weeks ago and is getting the second shot on April 1 so Iā€™ll go up after that.


:ok_hand: lucky boy to have your mam alive,when the mammies pass on the families kinda separate also


Not guilty here even though all my dads gang are rockies and the win was magnificent I couldnā€™t condone the crowds meeting the team at the time

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