Pubs opening

Can’t see why the GAA would bother running off the Championship with these kind of restrictions in place. Finishing the Championship off by August makes less sense now.

Some craic though if your club won the county championship in October though.

Like the fall of Rome.

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They wanted exemption from quarantine rules. The right decision.

I’d do anything to be sitting out with a few friends oon a table in Murphys in Brandon with the sun beating down on us.

This is has gone on too long now.


€150 to book one of the cabins for 3 hours. You’d fit between 8 and 10 people inside one so not too bad if splitting the cost I guess.

Is that credited off your bill or anything or is it additional? Right little earner if additional

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Nope. Food and drink extra on top of the €150

Jaysus them yokes earning him 4 or 5 grand a week maybe lowball with drink on top… No flies on him

You’d spend an evening at the Manor cheaper surely?

They’ll have 4 for Monday and 4 more in use for Friday. Serious coinage

The reality is no rural pub will stick to the guidelines. 80 of us in our local last night. It would be hell for the zero covid nut jobs.

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Probably get two sessions a day in each of them

Christ you’d want to be some mug to pay €150 to drink in a makeshift sauna/garden toolshed. Take your pick.


McCarthys in Fethard is a decent establishment and do nice food too. Could meet anyone in there. I’d prefer this kind of set up. If its raining its pointless drinking outside shelter or no shelter.


I assume the ones in the woodlands are waterproof and it would be same as drinking indoors sure

It’s actually great in rural Ireland, when it’s wet or cold we go inside.

Do you get to pick what corner you piss and shit in?


Would you not prefer to support your local?

It’s eminently possible that the establishment in question are gritting their teeth at the loss of revenue and convivial companionship they’re losing because of this hiccup and the missing hi-rollers confined to stables.