
Any fans of this absolute classic of a show on here?

Was only talking about it with Shinzon today and decided to have a look for some download links and I found them. Just watched the fist episode. Its genius programming. Herohead, Supes, Marmaloid, Stringbean, Orfo, Bazza and Jenny. Brilliant.

It was fairly good back in the day…his mother was as a daft as bushy tailed cat…

Used to like Pugwall alright. In other news, I was at the lighthouse that Round The Twist used to be filmed in last week.

Have you ever, ever felt like this,
When strange things happen,
Are you going round the twist?

[quote=“Flano”]Any fans of this absolute classic of a show on here?

Was only talking about it with Shinzon today and decided to have a look for some download links and I found them. Just watched the fist episode. Its genius programming. Herohead, Supes, Marmaloid, Stringbean, Orfo, Bazza and Jenny. Brilliant.[/quote]

Peter Unwin George Wall. Classic Stuff.

I used to watch it back in the day but I can’t recall the other characters that Flano listed. But I remember enough to know it was a sensational programme. Didn’t they have a band in the show or something?

They did indeed. Some pretty catchy numbers too I think.


Was Round the Twist the show with the crocodile?

I think was Around the Bend. That was the cartoony kinda thing, with Wolly the Wondersheep wasn’t it?

[quote=“ClarkeyCat”]Used to like Pugwall alright. In other news, I was at the lighthouse that Round The Twist used to be filmed in last week.

Have you ever, ever felt like this,
When strange things happen,
Are you going round the twist?[/quote]

Up the pong!!!

Yup, that’s the 1, I was close

One of the best themes of all time.

YouTube - Pugwall 1st series opening

“I’m gonna make a million dollars before breakfast” - PUGWALL

Looking forward to getting home for the episode where Pug meets Jenny in the hospital.

[quote=“Flano”]“I’m gonna make a million dollars before breakfast” - PUGWALL

Looking forward to getting home for the episode where Pug meets Jenny in the hospital.[/quote]

I take back anything bad i ever said about you… classic thread.