
Appendage and I were discussing periods last night as you do and one thing had us baffled completely. Do women have periods every month or every 4 weeks? If it’s May then will their period come 31 days after the previous one or if it’s February in a leap year will it arrive 29 days after their last one? Or is it a straightforward every 4 weeks / 28 days type procedure? We were too embarrassed to ask any ladies. Does anyone know the answer to this pertinent question?

I think it depends on the individual concerned.
An ex of mine was like clockwork every 21 days she’d blob on and was a complete twat to be around.
Another one was different every time,i could never predict when she’d get the painters in.

Women are fooking weird characters altogether, apparantly if women live in the same home as each other their periods tend to synchronize! Wouldn’t like to be near that house around ketchup time.

To answer your question Bandage, periods come between every 21 and 35 days and can last between 2 to 7 days.

How long do yours last Ben?

I’ve been very irregular of late Flando, thanks for asking! Usually last through the midweek and I normally squeeze the last of the Chef Sauce out on a Friday morning, which puts me in a good humour for the weekend.

i hear that their menstruation attracts bears…