Racism Continued

What a horrible cunt of a man.


I’d love to see him fucked into the river


'You’re not in England’:smiley::smiley:.

Some classic lines from Bernard Manning here. Blades lowered all over the shop.

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Lads on here would have sent him home with a one way ticket when he arrived.


Unvetted graduates


Which lads?


Lovely Limerick accent on him

The Aussies love a bit of racism


Lads the racism in comments under every article is mental. Any article that mentions a house or basically anything even tenuously connected is all “they’ll give them all to the Ukrainians” or something like it. These cunts seem to be empowered to be openly racist at the moment

Worrying stuff imo


We need stronger hate speech and hate crime legislation to tackle these awkward squad weirdos.

Jeez mad that he could talk openly like that only in the 90s. Maybe it was healthier in a way to expose him.

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The aussies are a serious bunch of racists. I’ve never experienced anything like it, but I have been told the likes of South African whites are worse, in general.

It feels like half the threads on boards.ie are now ambushed by some half-brain who just derails the thread into some anti-immigrant nonsense. I remember growing up that our parent’s generation were pretty racist, but had nobody to be directly racist towards as the village had no foreign immigrants. Today, those inherited attitudes are being unleashed towards the immigrants in Irish cities, towns and villages, and of course the internet.
I always thought racism came in the form of what we said to those who are different from us, but with age I understand that it goes so much deeper. The challenges, for example of an indian family trying to secure a rental contract in western europe, when they are denied due to the smell their cooking leaves in the home, is very real. When the Irish emigrate, we are often afforded a privilege most are not.


I had a drink with two South African girls in Venice.

Never heard people so openly racist.

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They’d be in good company with a lot of Italians


Ireland is becoming like little America.

Compare the stuff on this site to ten years ago.

You see way more extreme views all the time.

Where’s your evidence for this?