
Sign in here @backinatracksuit

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People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

Why is it when there is a row on “the internet” that when one posters brings up or bumps historical posts they are nearly always accused of “furiously searching” for them?

The search function is pretty easy to use


framing, bro, innit

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Is @Big_Dan_Campbell “Clearly Rattled” or “Badly rattled” here?

I got no skin in the game but it seems to have become a very popular term in the tfk debate vernacular.

He’ll be with you shortly, he’s just furiously searching for some old posts to throw at you

In this case said poster brought it up as he is a one trick pony (moral superiority).

When I showed that one trick to be hollow, insincere and projected then it removes all credibility and sincerity from his point of view and renders his contributions redundant.

Thus things descended down a rabbithole of silly, meaningless quips.

The subject matter is always important in a debate, when you spot the poster who does not want to address the subject matter then you can spot the loser.

Hard to believe a thread in which you decide to get involved could descend down a rabbit hole. Really is.

Classic rattled talk. Well rattled.


To use an internet term de jour from the 2000s - yet your coat, sonny.

I’ve just highlighted the fact that you have manipulated history to support conflicting viewpoints. It’s not my problem that you don’t like have your views challenged and substantively exposed as insincere and hollow.

The fact that you decided to turn that thread into one of obfuscation of that discussion rather than holding your hands up and accepting that you are a hypocrite is what brought it down a rabbit hole.

You chose to deny you’re a brazen hypocrite when it’s there for all to see.

Unreal stamina to be keeping this up across two forums simultaneously. The Ra’s loss was definitely the E-Ra’s gain.

It’s almost like you can’t see the irony in that post. How many accounts do you have on here and on other forums. How many pardoy Twitter accounts do you operate on posters from this forum and other forums?

It’s almost like you’re committing hara kiri to have a go at another poster.

One might say that really qualifies as rattled.

Are you sure you meant to aim that post at me, rather than Louther, dublin7, Tubberman, clonad and Lar over on GAAboard? :grinning:

Why are you bringing another forum into this?

Would you like to own up how you registered a user account with a username of a poster on here on that forum that subsequently was banned? You know, as you brought it into the discussion.

I think you take the internet a little bit too personally, don’t you?

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Stage 7.


It’s understandable the Clare lads are upset, and no sand on the pitches.