I’d sooner stick my mickey in a deep fat fryer than eat tofu.


Tofu is like a cross between packing foam and shaving foam


Are you losing any of the excess weight with these new foods?

Mrs O’Sullivan is some lady for the fad diets. Poor ol Tom doesn’t know if he is coming or going.

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Fat yes, but weight no… Being replaced with muscle.

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I’ve gained fat about the gut. Need to cut it down.

You’ve obviously only had the cheap stuff… Shur there’s burger’s and sausages stuffed with worse.

A lovely spot of lunch there.


On the first plate, does the cookie and caramel slice get put into the chicken and cheese bagel?

:rofl: I thought my lunches were bad.

A lovely spot of lunch there.

Ham & cheese toastie ala tart chocolat.


Lovely lunch mate :+1:

You cant beat a traditional old school toasted sandwich machine. Everything else pales in comparison.

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I sometimes find that a lot of hot air gets trapped in them and you can end up scalding your mouth. Definitely need to wait a few mins for them to cool down.

Popped my homemade porridge oat finger mix in the oven, out for a 4.37km run, back 27:24 later to take my baking out of the oven and prepare our toasties. Efficient lockdown paternity leave multitasking, you’d have to say.


Thinly veiled “She has me dancing to her tune now” post from the scoring hero here.

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I don’t know how you do it.

Lovely treat after a good workout

Nice Ferrero Ice cream procured from the ice cream man earlier on.


Is that a spoon in your ice cream, or were you just happy to see it?

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