Fuckit only for the want of a few home fries that would get 50 likes… The butter content :yum:

A Naga Curry




I’d say that would burn the hole off you.

Fire a bit of sweet corn on that and you’ve got yourself a “Limerick Pizza”

Was that very hot?

I suppose we’ll find out tomorrow.
It contains a dollop of Mr Naga Chilli Pickle. A fiercely hot but tasty addition.


Beer can chicken


It wasnt too bad as the heat is more of a lingering one. You could get the sour taste at the start but a serious after burn.

Will you throw up the recipe?

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Nice egg and granny white pudding sambo with a smidgen of red sauce


lovely bit of tea there

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You’re dead to me

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I’d say he’ll throw up the dinner shortly.


I will.
I have a mixed curry powder that I use that I cant remember the exact contents of.

  • fry onion in cumin seeds
  • then add curry powder, Garam Masala, and the Chilli pickle
  • then brown the chicken
  • passata/tomatoes with a bit of water
  • bit of Kashmiri chilli powder and curry leaves
  • cook
  • coriander and lime juice once cooked.

You love the oul Kashmiri chili powder

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I do.
Actually I added garlic and ginger paste to the onions after 5 mins. You can’t make an Indian curry without garlic and ginger paste.


That looks unrale.

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It’s hardly an authentic Naga curry though without the actual peppers, as powdered naga spice must be impossible to find. Pickles might have a bit of heat but nothing like the real thing. The hottest I have cooked with is habanero and they are dangerous bastards, naga are a lot lot hotter on the scale.

I have a superb recipe for you lads for the summer. Best over coals, but a gas grill or even under a broiler would work. Boneless chicken thighs, marinated in a yogurt marinade for a few hours in the fridge. Thread them on a wooden skewer with the lemons and garlic and grill for about 6 minutes a side.

1 cup plain yogurt, 1 tbs aleppo pepper (you can use crushed red pepper and paprika but its not the same) , 1 tbs red wine vinegar, 1 tbs tomato paste, 1 tbs olive oil, 1 tsp salt, 6 garlic cloves flatted under a heavy knife, one sliced lemon.