I can’t take to the strplion

Don’t get me wrong mate, id ate it if I was starving, but if I was ordering a steak in a restaurant this evening id aim towards a fillet, sirloin or a t-bone.

And if I’m eating steak at home, i would avoid ribeye as well really in the butchers.

I’ve cut back a bit due to thinking of the planet of course. So its 2 or 3 steaks a week now max.

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Don’t get me wrong either, we give fillet and sirloin to the kids so they’ll get some iron in their diet, very bland though because there’s no fat in there, you need to season the shit out of it, rib eye is a lovely flavoursome piece of meat with just a sprinkle of salt and pepper


You haven’t lived!

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I had a hanger cut for the first time in a while recently. Can get tough quick if overcooked but there is a lovely flavour to it

Lads eat steak once a week??? Da fuq? It’s shocking to see how uneducated some people are on here.

The latest research concludes that nutritional science does not know whether eating red meat is good or bad for health.


But on that scale there’s certainly an argument that it’s bad for the environment.

I used be the same but rib eye has taken over for me. By far and away the best cut IMO.

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I must give it some further analysis mate.

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This is the one I made. Its advised cutting limes into eights but I think smaller would have been better. Try the pataks stuff first, it’s just unreal, especially with vegetarian curries. I have no idea yet what my stuff will turn out like.

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There is, but a balanced diet and feeding cows a bit of seaweed would take care of that.

Best job for flavour. That was a Noel O’Connor steak. Best in Limerick.


Noel is a cunt

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That might be grand in the western world where we’ve already destroyed 96.7% of our forests for pasture land, but it’s in other countries where the harm is being done now.

Just a tip, if you are ever in the market in Limerick ask at green saffron if they have any lime pickle, Arun seems to make a batch once or twice a year and sells it only in the markets, it’s pricy (I’d say it’s 8 euro for a jam jar) but it’s the best I’ve had, and I love lime pickle

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Steaks are going to be a thing of the past in another 20 years. May as well eat as many of them as possible now.


What’s your beef with Noel?

Ah no beef. But he is

I think you have the ratio about right here. 4 steaks a week is a tad on the excessive side, I’d try to hold to just the 3 at most. I’d imagine you probably have a roast on Sunday, maybe a half dozen lamb chops Tuesday, stew Thursday, take-away Saturday and the compulsory fish on Friday.
On balance I’d say you’re good.

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