So a fancy ready meal?


Jaysus a bit a seasoning wouldn’t go astray to brighten that plate up a bit

Those rashers are very anaemic looking

And not even match day

You never cease to amaze mate :smiley:


We’ve started to do the restaurant at home thing at the weekends too (cc @TreatyStones & Buy Irish thread).

Did Asador/Prado last night. A bit more work to it than Oliver Dunne / Bon Appetit the weekend before, but probably a cut above.

Prawn Pil Pil followed by Dry-Aged Chateaubriand and then a cheesecake yokey. €75 for two. Maybe it could have been a little cheaper, as it’s a pain in the hole doing a bit of cooking / heating up. They should possibly send around a chap to do that.


That looks tasty but v dear. Nice to support local resteraunts but you’d def rustle up that grub yourself from scratch for 30 quid. How ready was it? Was the meat raw?

Asador is a brilliant spot in fairness but don’t they cook the meat on a smokey grill there… How did you recreate that at home?


Here’s the card. So the surf n turf box was €59 and then we added the cheesecake desserts at €8 each. We agreed that you could rustle it up for €30-€40 but the steak was really good. As I said, maybe a bit too much work involved though. Sear on the pan and then leave in the oven for a while. That followed a little bit of work with the prawns. The Asador signature Pil Pil sauce is really good too - thought the cunts could have thrown in an auld bit of bread perhaps. I don’t care what anyone says, you need to be able to roll the bread in the sauce after you’ve eaten the prawns. There are a few different meal options but you can mix and match yourself either. The Oliver Dunne equivalent was €65 or thereabouts. Asador was a bit more work but a little bit nicer.

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@gilgamboa has him dancing this morning. He’s on one thread notching a quick nice post for telling him to see the big picture and put down the phone and he’s on here demanding answers.



You surely buttered a few slices of slice pan

Was Date Night worth it?

A lovely salad lunch here. Smoked mackerel from Lidl with a salad. Rocket, tomato, baked curried chickpea, fennel, apple, pecan nuts and feta. And a roast beetroot and garlic yogurt side.


I lived with a Tipperary lad and every meal had a side serving of two slices of buttered bread.
You could nearly put the plate straight back in the press it was so clean after him.


Unreal but of lunch here


Duck á l’orange and spuds that I did last night.

The most complicated thing I’ve tried to cook and also the best.


Pal of mine used to make Chicken Chow Mein sandwiches. Half a sliced pan and a hape of mayonnaise. He cut it back when the scales hit 19 stone

They were tasty in fairness.

Lived with a lad from Pallaskenry who was so excited when we bought a toasted sandwich maker that he made toasted sandwiches of everything.

One Monday morning he did a toasted sandwich with Sunday dinner leftovers all fucked in between two slices of bread. As he said ‘sure a roast dinner tastes good any time of the day’… The same fella was out on a Christmas night out one time when I was out somewhere else in town. I get a call around 3am asking was I still in town and would I bring back some taco chips as he got home and was hungry now. When I landed home he was asleep, and I (I was fairly hammered at this stage) left the bag of taco chips on his bedside locker after I couldn’t wake him.

The next morning I hear the hum of the microwave and a ‘ding’. Me man is down there eating the reheated taco chips that have been in his bedroom for the night :rofl: