Pretty authentic

I’d murder that

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That’s noble.

Would you always server the chicken and curry separate to the rice?

I’m not sure what you mean, the rice is on the plate there?

I usually see it served in layers. Rice underneath chicken and curry on top. You seem to have served it side by side

I see, no thought behind that, I hadn’t made that kind of curry in many years, I usually go for Indian, Thai or Japanese style, I suppose the chips altered my thinking on presentation

Did you make the curry from scratch?

I used a sharwoods curry powder and mango chutney, but pretty much from scratch

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I’d always serve rice to the side. It’s a sign of intelligence apparently. The lower your IQ the more you’ll mix your rice and curry… So goes an old Asian proverb.


Sign of hunger

How do you get that colour sauce? It looks lovely. I always make a tomato based sauce and it’s (obviously) always a bit orangey/red.

I don’t know, the curry powder, chicken stock, tomato purée and mango chutney are what give it the colour and consistency I suppose, it was very glossy

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I’ll have to throw in the mango chutney next time. It seems to be the difference.

The green stuff is out of this world too.

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Shakshuka, or my own version


It looks like you incinerated it.

I do d the chorizo on the pan, the eggs were perfect, still a bit soft

No clue wtf that is but I’d ate it

Lamb shank tonight ladies


An unreal vegan chilli for tea tonight… Sweet potato, lots of herbs and spices and kidney beans

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