A dinner @The_Dunph and @turfcutter would approve of



Yes, it is a Tuesday night. The pretentious stuff can wait til the weekend

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What’s wrong with beans?

They’re good for your heart


Have we not had this debate before?

Me and you? no.

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No , we’d be in agreement but I think that Tipp deviant @caulifloweredneanderthal might have a different view on beans

I love beans. I just don’t like them touching my chips. I don’t mind them touching other food. Although I don’t get beans on toast at all.


Ah that was it. You wouldn’t be a fan of this then.

Not a fan of beans in general and definitely wouldn’t mix them with steak and chips but each to their own. I’ve no business in this thread really as I have the palette of a five year old.

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I’d a very similar meal at 3pm today, was genuinely too ravenous to even contemplate taking a photo.

Perfect Tuesday grub though.

3 bells is an odd enough time to be tucking in boss

It was alright, was still grand though.

We’d no pepper sauce in so I had a late lunch/dinner mate as a result.

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I’ve settled into the 3.30 dinner since WFH. No point using up your 1-2pm lunch break eating

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Ah yeah. I was just wondering out loud is all.

I’ve been very good recently but I’m fucking starving tonight so I knocked up wholemeal bagels, with cheese, crispy bacon and omlette.


Lime pickle, made double the amount this time.


Teriyaki cod for lunch. Simple but delicious

I picked up some squid at fishmongers. I’m going to have a go at Calimari this evening

Marinade the squid in lemon juice
Then in buttermilk
Toss it in cayenne pepper salt and flour
I’ve the oil bought for the deep fat fryer

I’ll post up the results


I had a lovely prawn pil-pil the other day with some lovely spices from Spain that Mrs O’Sullivan gets down the market when she’s over. A proper serving of calamari is hard bet.